We stay on top of this fast-changing market to ensure you are always ahead of others


Our vast experience means we know which sites can give the right returns on your investment


We ensure all our suites exceed all legal requirements for such accommodation


We manage the project and tenancies for you from start to end simply sending monthly income to you

Increasing demand for housing in the UK combined with a low supply of suitable accommodation over the last 20 years has meant increasing prices and insufficient housing for millions living in the UK.

The market has adapted to cater to this increasing demand through innovative ways of providing housing for millions of people. One of these ways is through the expansion in the use of House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) accommodation.

HMO are typically fully furnished ensuite rooms which are available to rent both on short-term as well as a medium to long-term basis. The rooms typically tend to be all inclusive and hence the tenant only pays 1 fixed monthly rent which encompasses all bills and taxes associated with the property.

There has been a huge surge in demand for such accommodation in the last 10 years both in London and the Home Counties and we have seen significant investment and growth in this area.

Adivo Suites is a subsidiary of Adivo Investments and was formed to identify suitable buildings and accommodation throughout London and its Home Counties which can be conveniently and cost effectively be converted to HMO use.

Many of our investors have taken advantage of this growth and have invested with us in numerous projects over the last 10 years. The demand for such accommodation continues to rise but the opportunities to identify the right deal is getting increasingly harder.

Adivo Suites with its extensive experience and network continues to thrive in identifying suitable opportunities for our investors to be able to invest in this lucrative space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the yields from rental income are considerably better but the Capital Gains may on some projects be less attractive than traditional residential.

Yes and Adivo will assist in arranging suitable finance. Lending rates tend to be slightly higher than traditional buy-to-let but the yield more than justifies this slightly higher rate.

Head Office

Kings Head House
15 London End
Beaconsfield, HP9 2HN
United Kingdom


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