High Yield HMO opportunities

UK's Finest

Investment Properties

For many of our customers who are looking for higher yield from their real estate investment, we offer the Adivo Suites product. The gap between supply and demand in housing in the UK has over the years led to increasing demand for cost effective housing for millions.

This demand has been met by a surge in Housing with Multiple Occupation (HMO) model. What would traditionally be a house for a single family or a building with lesser number of apartments has been adapted to ensuite fully serviced rooms for many more.


We stay on top of this fast-changing market to ensure you are always ahead of others


Our vast experience means we know which sites can give the right returns on your investment


We ensure all our suites exceed all legal requirements for such accommodation


We manage the project and tenancies for you from start to end simply sending monthly income to you

Adivo not only sources the best HMO deals for its investors but manages every aspect of the investment from refurbishment works required, securing the HMO licence from the local council, finding the right tenants, collecting the rents and managing the property ensuring full compliance with HMO legislation.

Our investors simply have to provide us with account details as to where they wish to receive their monthly income.

Sample Suites

A gallery of properties previously developed on behalf of Adivo Suites

Adivo Investments


Head Office

Kings Head House
15 London End
Beaconsfield, HP9 2HN
United Kingdom


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